Rejoice, paddling Sodak nation-state: Temps will be back in the 78 to 81 range, this weekend, so here's to hoping all get out and paddle.
Regardless of your plans, there's news to announce on upcoming trips:
Pat Wellner and John Adler are heading up a multi-day cruise the Missouri River between Yankton and Vermillion the weekend of Oct. 10.
We are a tight-knit group, so many of you may already know about it, but for details, hit Pat's site:
As mentioned, Gene will lead a Split Rock/Big Sioux cruise out of Brandon Oct. 4.
Larry Braaten and I want to put another cruise on before Gene's, perhaps as early as this Sunday if people have ideas.
The weekend of Sept. 27-28 is another possibility. E-mail me, or call Larry, if you'd like to join us.
Targets include a Mo River run, Burbank to Elk Point, or High Lines to Clay County. Or perhaps Clay County to Burbank.
Lastly, the Big Sioux River Recreation Corridor Council is having their annual fall run, but it is in October. No date or link here as their site is not updated.
It's a good time of year (when it's not like last weekend) to get out and suck up as much Zen-time on the water as possible. It will soon be too late. And yes, the newsletter is upcoming, asap.
Please post/share/call/pass it for those without e-mail/Internet.
FYI, the "short-notice cruise planner" is no longer; it was a spambot magnet.