Until the river gives up a little of its muscle, members organizing the Canton-area cruise on Sunday and the Moonlight cruise on Saturday night (on the Split Rock Creek, which is also quite high) have decided to hold off.
The Argus Leader ran a brief recently on some canoeists who were tipped and had to battle to shore. The river is not to be trifled with, so if you do go out on it, please use all caution, to include telling someone your plans, always wearing a PFD, and of course, knowing your personal limits.
These two pictures, from April and last week, at the same spot, show how high the water has risen. The top image is the put-in at Big Sioux Rec Area, where the muddy path to the water's edge no longer exists.
If anyone does go out, please let us know, so we can keep adding information on the river's levels.