But first, the news:
The South Dakota Canoe Association will host a Big Sioux River cruise, starting at 11 a.m. sharp, June 28, 2008, at the Pow Wow grounds on the Big Sioux River, located about one mile north of Flandreau on Highway 13. The event is free and open to the public, the route is about one hour longer than the cruise on the river in April, so it should take about three hours to complete.
The Earth Day paddle started at the same put-in, but this time we'll paddle to the low-head dam in Flandreau proper. The route leads past a tributary stream that might be full enough to entice exploration, and unlike the Earth Day event, we'll have higher temps and we'll paddle at least another two miles.
The river widens and twists as it goes under the Highway 13 bridge again, and we'll be paddling past that point to a easy-access take-out spot on the bank before the dam.
But wait, there is more news on cruises:
On July 26, Larry Braaten will host a cruise for the SDCA on the Big Sioux from the Klondike down into Canton. It's a nice leg of the river, and we'll start at 11 a.m. that morning. There's an organized benefit paddle in Canton on July 19, too, so call Mac's in Canton, the bar there, and get information if it piques you.
Before Larry's cruise, there are two eco-events on the docket: July 12, at Grass Lake, we'll be doing a lake water monitoring project, and Mary Finck of the SDCA is hosting a BSR clean-up on July 17 in Sioux Falls.
Lastly, we are taking submissions for stories for the June newsletter, it'll be out with more details about all of these events, and more, within a few days.
Paddle on, South Dakota.
Date of BSR paddle?
July 26
That's a Saturday
Details going on the blog now
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