Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sunday's weather was lame, but ...

Originally uploaded by Iron Bieso
More than a dozen folks came out and played about at Lake Alvin Sunday. Air and water temps were both in the high 50s, but no one seemed to care, and a number of new paddlers got out and tried their hands on the lake.

Jay Heath's blog, has a great account of the event.

There were folks ready to put-in there at 11 a.m. when we got started, and some were still trying other boats around 3 p.m. when we took off. The weather did not lead to outright enthusiasm, but a good time? It was had.

More photos on the way.

Don't forget June 20 is the planned SDCA event in Pierre. Members there welcome any and all South Dakota paddlers to join them for a few options on the Missouri River in the state's historic capital.

Details on that event are beginning to take shape and are open to ideas. Visit member Pat Wellner's blog at to get ideas on the next organized event, or contact him with specific questions via his e-mail link on his Web site.




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